Two Step Equations- Variable On Both Sides of The Equation

Students will learn how to solve equations that have variables on both sides of the equation.



• Students will review solving two step equations.

• Students will learn how to solve equations that have variables on both sides of the equation.

• Students will practice solving equations with variables on both sides of the equation.


Suggested Grades:

Sixth Grade - Seventh Grade - Eighth Grade - Ninth Grade - including special education students

Lesson Procedure:

Print the classroom lesson plan and worksheet questions (see below).


Lesson Excerpt:

I. Introduction

- "Today, we are going to start working on a new type of equation. But before we do that, let's just take a minute and review how we solve a two step equation."
- Here is an example for us to work with:
- On Board: 7x + 3 = -25
- Note: This section has been written as a narrative, but encouraging student participation is a great thing. It allows you to assess student recall and understanding as well as application.
- "Now, in solving this equation, the first thing we need to do is to get rid of everything not associated with the variable x. We perform the opposite operation to do this."



Lesson Printables:

Print this printable worksheet for this lesson:

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