Two Step Equations- Solving for Missing Variables

Students will learn how to solve for a missing variable when there are missing variables on both side of an equation.



• Students will review solving basic two step equations.

• Students will learn how to balance equations that have a variable on both sides of an equation.

• Students will learn how to solve for the missing variable.

• Students will practice balancing equations and solving for the missing variable.


Suggested Grades:

Sixth Grade - Seventh Grade - Eighth Grade - Ninth Grade - including special education students

Lesson Procedure:

Print the classroom lesson plan and worksheet questions (see below).


Lesson Excerpt:

I. Introduction

- "Today we are going to continue solving two step equations. We have learned how to solve for a missing variable when there was a variable on two sides of the equation. Today, we are going to continue balancing equations that have variables on both sides of the equation, but there will be an added step."
- "Let's take a minute to review what we have already learned. Here is an example:"
- On Board: 5x - 21 = - 2x
- "First step is to get the x's together. We want to solve for the x and so we need to get the x's together on the same side of the equation. We do this by moving a term from one side to another. Let's move the 5x."



Lesson Printables:

Print this printable worksheet for this lesson:

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