Marijuana and Cocaine
A health lesson on the illegal drugs marijuana and cocaine. Includes printable teaching reading comprehension lesson worksheets.
• Students will be able to describe the effects of marijuana and cocaine on the body.
• Students will be able to describe the effects of marijuana and cocaine on behavior.
• Students will understand that it is against the law to use marijuana and cocaine.
Suggested Grades:
3rd Grade - 4th Grade - 5th Grade
Print the reading comprehension passage and questions (see below).
Students should read the passage silently, then answer the questions. Teachers may also use the text as part of a classroom lesson plan.
Lesson Excerpt:
There are some drugs that are so dangerous that it is against the law to use them. Two of these illegal drugs are marijuana and cocaine. Marijuana, which is also known as pot, is made from the leaves of a plant called hemp. There is another drug called hashish that is also made from hemp. Marijuana is usually rolled into cigarettes called joints and smoked. Sometimes it is mixed in food and eaten. Like all illegal drugs, marijuana is so dangerous that it is even against the law to have some in your pocket.
Smoking or eating marijuana can affect your brain. People who use marijuana seem confused and dazed. They may say or do things that are embarrassing. Marijuana can also cause people to become paranoid and think that others are out to get them. They may think that other people are spying on them or following them.

Lesson Printables:
Print this printable worksheet for this lesson: