Limbo Subtraction
Physical education lesson plan on the concept of movement using limbo.
• Student will demonstrate an awareness of personal and general space while moving at different directions and levels, such as high, medium and low.
Suggested Grades:
Kindergarten - 1st Grade - 2nd Grade
Materials: Gym floor or large open space [field], “limbo” pole, upbeat music CD/tape and player, pencils, measuring tape, notebook paper
Timeline: Daily lesson
Lesson Excerpt:
Instructional Procedures: Students will demonstrate their ability to walk under a "limbo" pole exhibiting three different levels [high, medium and low] after teacher demonstrates each level for students to practice in place. Students will also be required to record their high/medium/low measurements and subtract the differences on notebook paper.
Individual Activity: Students stand at least two feet apart on gym floor.

Lesson Printables:
Print this printable worksheet for this lesson: