The Five Themes of Geography: Let’s Get Civil!
A geography lesson and the civil war.
• To understand the ways people have adapted to and modified their environment in the United States.
Suggested Grades:
4th Grade - 5th Grade - 6th Grade
Print the lesson plan (see below).
Lesson Excerpt:
Materials: Social Studies class text book on Geography chapter with key terms, chapter on the Civil War; additional materials and resources about the Civil War.
Timeline: 2 Weeks
Instructional Procedures:
1. Students define the key terms for both the Geography [human-interaction] chapter as well as the Civil War chapter in their class text book.
2. Students discuss and answer pre-reading questions [located in the textbook] regarding both human-interaction and the Civil War.
3. Teacher explains and reviews the concepts of industrial / manufacturing of the North and the cotton / farming of the South.

Lesson Printables:
Print this printable worksheet for this lesson: