Flowers and Seeds

A lesson and worksheet on flowers and seeds.



• Students will be able to list the parts of a flower.

• Students will understand how flowers reproduce.

• Students will be able to describe the role of insects in the reproduction of flowers.


Suggested Grades:

3rd Grade - 4th Grade - 5th Grade

Lesson Procedure:

Print the reading comprehension worksheet passage and questions (see below).

Students should read the passage silently, then answer the questions. Teachers may also use the text as part of a classroom lesson plan.


Lesson Excerpt:

Most flowers have aromas that attract insects. When insects are attracted to flowers and fly into them, they contact the part of the flower that releases tiny grains called pollen. As insects move around some more, they spread pollen so it can mix with other parts of the plant. This is called pollination, a process that causes new plants to grow. Nature has a very interesting way of keeping insects inside a flower until their job is done. The insides of the flower are so smooth that the insect cannot climb out. However, after the flower is pollinated, the insides of the flower become more wrinkled. Insects can then get some footing to climb out and move on to another flower!

Flowers have four important parts - sepals, petals, stamens and pistils.



Lesson Printables:

Print this printable worksheet for this lesson:

Flowers and Seeds







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