- Read lesson
(see below) or have students read it silently.
- Have students answer the questions on the worksheet.
- Discuss answers to questions.
Text from the story:
Turkeys are very big birds! They are
different from most birds because they have
no feathers on their heads or necks. Like
chickens and some other animals, turkeys
take dust baths instead of water baths. They
cover themselves with dust to keep insects
away. Turkeys also fly high up into trees to
spend the night. This is called roosting.
Just before the sun comes up, turkeys begin
to gobble. They gobble for most of the
turkeys are called "toms," and female turkeys
are "hens." Males are bigger and more colorful
than females. They have bright flaps of skin on
their necks called "wattles." Female turkeys
build nests from dried leaves and grass. They
build their nests on the ground in hidden
places. Turkeys lay between 9 and 18 eggs at a
Printable reading worksheet for this lesson.
Includes reading passage, and
comprehension questions activity exercise.
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