Lesson Materials
Tell students that today we will be learning about the four seasons. Explain to students that we have seasons because of the tilt of the Earth as it rotates on its axis. Tell students that today we will be reading about the four seasons. Then we will talk about the things that define the four seasons.
Some great book selections:
The Reasons for Seasons (Gail Gibbons)
Four Seasons Make a Year (Anne Rockwell)
The Four Seasons (Mary Rius)
Four Seasons Series (Nuria Roca)
Create a large table with butcher paper. Write the four seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring) across the top and the following words as rows on the left side of the table: months, weather, holidays, and activities.
Write “Seasons in ______________ (name of location you are in)” as a title for the table.
Tell students that we will now brainstorm some facts about the four seasons. For each season, ask during which months does the season occur and the various holidays (include the dates) that fall in that season. Be sure to include multicultural holidays. Ask students what the weather is like and what activities they like to do during these seasons. Write down student ideas and prompt students for ideas read in the story.
Tell students that they will be making seasons books. Pass out the
Season Names printable and the
Season Pictures printable to each student. Pass out 5 sheets of plain white paper and one colored sheet of construction paper to each student. Explain to students that they will be coloring and cutting out the season names and season pictures.
On one page of white paper, the student will glue one season name and two matching season pictures. Model for students how to do this with one season. For example, ask students what two pictures would go with spring (flowers and a baby chick). When students complete this process for each season, they can draw a background and other relevant seasonal items on the picture, or finish the picture as a scene from the season. Students can refer to the class chart. They can write one to two sentences to describe the season at the bottom of each page.
The students will end up with four pages, one per season. They can create a cover page on white paper that includes a title, their name and a picture. This title page can be backed on colored construction paper. If possible, laminate the cover and bind the books with a heavy-duty stapler. Or students can simply bind their own books by hole-punching each page and using yarn to tie the pages together.
Be sure to place the finished books in the class library for students to read!
Ask students to tell a partner what their favorite season is and why. Give students time to read their books to a friend or share their season books with the class.
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