Can you put any character together with any conflict? If you wrote character sketches for three different characters and then gave them the same conflict to face, the outcome of each story would be different, wouldn't it? Just look at the story “The Three Bears” to see what I mean. Three different bears were faced with the same conflict, and the outcome was different for each one of them because each of the bears was different. Of course, in that story the differences were very simple and the conflict wasn't much, but that was a story for very young children.
You may want to write a story for children younger than yourself or for those your own age. To do this, you need to be able to understand what the character feels like. Think of how you would handle a problem. Is it different from the way your little brother or older cousin would deal with the same thing?
The character you create will face the conflict you dream up in a very unique way!
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