Teacher Materials:
- Overhead projector and marker
- 12 counting blocks
Student Materials:
Explain that today you are going to learn to add. To add means to put two or more numbers together to make a bigger number. If you have two students (ask two students to stand up) and you add two more students (have two more students stand up) then you have four students. You added 2 and 2 and got a bigger number 4.
Put an + sign on the overheard projector. Explain that this is a plus sign. Whenever you see the sign it means you are going to add numbers.
Put 3 number cubes on the whiteboard. Have students help you count the number cubes. Add 4 more number cubes and count them. Then have the students' help you count how many number cubes there are in all.
Repeat with different addition problems like 2 + 2, 4 + 1, 5 + 5, 6 + 3, etc until you feel the concept is understood.
Have students use their own number cubes to mimic the number cubes on the overhead and solve each problem together.
Use the worksheet to evaluate whether students understand the concept.
Basic Math
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